
Rusholme Pharmacy is located along Curry Mile which is a busy and vibrant part of the Rusholme area in Manchester.

We take a great pride in our quality of service. With our extended hours covering early morning till late night, 365 day a year, we offer an increased patient choice and access to people of the Manchester and beyond.

Our highly trained Pharmacists can provide prescription treatments without the need of a GP prescription for: Erectile dysfunction, Weight loss, Oral contraception, Hair loss, Smoking Cessation, Malaria prevention, Travellers’ diarrhoea, Female facial hair, Meningitis vaccine, Period delay, Flu jabs and Asthma inhalers.
We provide a meningitis vaccination service for pilgrims going for Hajj or Umrah in accordance with DoH/Saudi government regulations. We also issue the necessary Vaccine admisatration certificate which complies with the requirements of the Saudi Embassy for visa purposes.

We can dispense private prescriptions and veterinary prescriptions at discounted price. Please ring us on 0161 225 0260 and ask for a quotation.

As well as providing enhanced NHS services like – Medicine Usage Reviews, New Medicine Service, Methadone Dispensing and Supervised Administration, we can offer help and advice on various services including, Chlamydia testing, Emergency Hormonal Contraceptive and Disposal of Medicines. We have a special interest in healthy hearts and diabetes, and can help you make changes to your diet and lifestyle to improve or maintain your health and well being.

You can order your Repeat prescriptions online or by calling the pharmacy on

Openin Hours

Mon -Fri    8:00  –  23:00
Sat-Sun     10:00  –  23:00
NHS Health A-Z


Superintendent Pharmacist: 
Shahid Razzaq
GPhC premesis no: 
Company Registration no: 
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